My Onion Method | A Recovery Model | Layer 1 – Seek Help


This book contains the information on Layer 1: Seek Help to My Onion Method. This book contains information on a wellness toolbox as well as have other work sheets to aid in your recovery and choosing to seek help. This method contains tools that I personally have used or continue to use in my own wellness journey. The journey of recovery is hard and feels impossible sometimes. At times, we may feel or get stuck. This book provides some problem solving tools, as well as, worksheets on skills to help aid in creating a balance in one’s recovery.



This book contains the information on Layer 1: Seek Help to My Onion Method. This book contains information on a wellness toolbox as well as have other work sheets to aid in your recovery and choosing to seek help. This method contains tools that I personally have used or continue to use in my own wellness journey. The journey of recovery is hard and feels impossible sometimes. At times, we may feel or get stuck. This book provides some problem solving tools, as well as, worksheets on skills to help aid in creating a balance in one’s recovery.

Remember: There’s always hope, even when it feels hopeless.
My Onion Method, A Recovery Model is a series of workbooks and a model to aid someone in recovery from mental health disorders, trauma, substance use disorders, etc. This curriculum does not hold the cure, but it is merely a compilation of tools to aid someone working on their own recovery or coaching someone in recovery. This was created by Jo Smoak.